We have released a new update with some important innovations in the PPC Dashboard:

  • The ability to set the minimum and maximum bid in the campaign settings.

For users who choose to automate bids using sellerboard, we have added a feature that limits the rise or fall of a campaign’s bid. To use this setting, go to the PPC Dashboard menu and click on “…” in the Change column

  • Automation of bids for advertising campaigns with the “ASIN Targeting” type.

Sellerboard can now automate bids for both Keyword Targeting and ASIN Targeting campaigns.

  • The ability to download an Excel with a history of changes in bids.

By going to the Automation History tab in your PPC Dashboard, you can now view all the changes that were pushed to Amazon from sellerboard. And also, you can download the file.

PPC Dashboard allows you to analyze the profitability of your campaigns, ad groups, and even keywords. You can as well set the appropriate settings to automatically change bids on Amazon.

Check out the overview of the main functions of the PPC Dashboard by visiting the link below:

Sellerboard is an accurate profit analytics service for amazon sellers with additional tools: follow-up mail campaigns, inventory management, reimbursements for lost & damaged stock and other FBA errors, PPC optimizer, listing change alerts. All this starting at $15 a month with a free trial.

Get your 2 months of free access to sellerboard using this link: https://bit.ly/37cRjKX

If you have any questions or need any assistance don’t hesitate to contact us:

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