Amazon brand gating has proved to be an effective tool to protect your product listing from a third-party seller. While Amazon has turned into the world’s biggest digital marketplace, the threat of resellers putting hands in others’ products looks increasingly high. It resulted in the need of developing more efficient safety means to establish a secure enhanced selling process within the platform. This is actually what Amazon brand approval service handles.

Every time you decide to have your brand gated, your products will be secured by a set of parameters delivered by Amazon. Parameters can be set up around one or several products at the same time as well as around the entire brand. The main mission of Amazon brand gating is to thwart resellers and let managers constantly deal with safe operations in the digital retail field.

The prior purpose of the brand gating process is to ensure effective control over the brand that belongs to a particular manufacturer. While unauthorized sellers are flooding the market with counterfeit products, conscientious sellers require additional instruments to work safely in the niche of e-commerce and within the Amazon platform in particular. The introduction of the Brand Registry program made it easier to prevent the slightest hint of counterfeits.


What Does it Mean for both Sides?

The development of new parameters and tools helps to prevent the promotion and distribution of counterfeit goods; a huge problem until recently. All a counterfeiter had to do was to have a package, the goods and a domain that referenced your brand. Once a fraud was detected, the brand seller needed to test the fake site and deliver a detailed report to the platform. In other words, no one could guarantee the counterfeit would not take place again.

The battle between brand issuers and resellers has reached the top. Amazon decided to make changes in an effort to deliver more secure means out of the box with the introduction of its Brands Registry program Version 2.0. The updated version includes some crucial changes and improvements for sellers. All of which are aimed at improving the process of maintaining security. You are very unlikely to require a brand gating lawyer anymore.

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As for the third-party sellers, they may have their backs against the wall. However, they actually have two ways to work within the platform:

  1. Have their own brand gated.
  2. Pay a fee to sell products from other brands.

Note: approval is necessary in any case.

The situation is even worse for those who buy goods from retail. They are no longer allowed to sell products in the marketplace unless they are able to prove they have the brand owner’s approval.

The only legal way to stay a third-party seller is to provide detailed information that proves direct purchase of goods from a brand-gated participant. The process looks challenging and time-consuming, not to mention expensive. Moreover, the chance of refusal is high if there is the slightest hint of incompatibility. As a result, we have hundreds of blocked Amazon seller accounts.

How to Apply for Brand Gating Amazon

Once you look for information on how to get a brand gated on Amazon, you should consider some essential factors. Make sure your application features the following items:

  • brand name in its exact form with no special symbols or characters;
  • vivid product image with a visible brand name on it;
  • clear product package image featuring a visible brand name on it;
  • a website link that represents your brand.

If you are a reseller trying to get your brand gated on Amazon, you should also attach a letter from the authorized owner of the brand or manufacturer with the approval of your action as a distributor.

What Are the Core benefits of Joining the Program?

We should stress the fact that joining the program can be beneficiary for both sellers and distributors. It does not matter if you are an Amazon brand owner or looking for a chance to hop on someone’s brand, the program actually is the only legal way to operate within the marketplace.

Higher Identity Protection

The first good thing about the program is the fact that sellers are not obliged to proceed with test buys themselves. Once you become a registered brand owner, you only need to notify Amazon about the fraud or the slightest threat of counterfeit. As a rule, sellers will get a response within a few hours. Every time you suffer from the attempt of a reseller to hijack your listing, not only you do have more protection from the marketplace, but also the upper hand when it comes to disputes over the product listing.

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Set Brand Roles

Users are free to assign different roles within the brand registry. It will let you divide responsibilities and choose from the list of matching roles:

  • Administrator;
  • Rights Owner (for trademark owners);
  • Registered Agent (Bobsled marketing).

The tool makes it simple to deal with outsourcing as well as establishing a more sophisticated policing system.

Good Reputation and Assets Safety

Goodwill and reputation on the web are among the main assets for both newly established and recognizable brands. It takes years to gain trustworthiness and customer loyalty. Unfortunately, counterfeit and frauds may result in the destruction of a brand’s goodwill.

A third-party seller can come up with low-quality products under your brand. It will inevitably result in poor comments and a bad reputation you will be unable to fix. Brand gating is a good solution to the problem of protecting your assets.

Establish Your Trademark

The newly launched registry version differs from what it looked like before. It now features an enhanced or so-called A+ content page letting manufacturers increase the level of product visibility and recognition. You now have the tools to establish your own trademark and promote it, building a stronger reputation on the platform.

Generate More Data

The new Amazon program appears to generate more core data about your brand. Although it makes the application process a bit more time-consuming, it results in a faster reaction in form of violation reports.

In other words, the system will notify the brand owner each time the intellectual property is under threat. The system keeps the data about your logo, design of products, trademark and other vital parameters.

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“Report a Violation” Instrument

Introduced in the new program is a great feature which lets you easily browse the entire catalog of products to identify images that use visuals similar to yours.

Improved Support Team

The general sellers’ support still looks rather inefficient considering long wait-time response. However, the new program support for registered sellers lets them handle any issue faster and more effectively.

Additional Features

The great news is that you are not obliged to register each and every product. The registration process is based on the entire brand. In other words, the registry program will automatically apply to any of your goods worldwide.

Be aware, you are not covered under the new version of the Registry Program unless you apply for it. Until then, your brand is covered by the previous version of the program.

Final Word

Amazon has worked out an effective protection tool for sellers and manufacturers. It generates as much authority and safety as possible, which sounds like a good solution in the world of growing counterfeits and frauds. Brand identity will always be under threat. However, the new program improves the protection process and provides a decent means to resolve disputes. The updated version also delivers more capabilities when it comes to boosting brand’s visibility and recognition.

At the same time, the process of getting brand gated may look too complicated and time-consuming for those who are new to E-commerce. We are here to help you save time and money. Our dedicated professionals will complete the registration process from scratch starting from the application to the approval. E-commerce may look like a tough challenge unless you opt for our professional assistance.

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