Has an Amazon item arrived damaged? You’re probably pissed-off or upset now. Calm down. It happens. You’re not the only one. When it comes to statistics, the world’s most popular online store hits record numbers.

Fact 1. According to Wikipedia, the most authoritative business magazines such as Forbes, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg called Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, the world’s richest person in modern history. In 2018, his net worth reached over $150 billion.

Fact 2. Amazon’s net revenue has grown by almost 300% in just five years. And this index keeps increasing.

Fact 3. The number of Amazon employees has almost doubled within just one year. We’re talking about humans. Recently the company took the course of global robotization to increase the level of operational efficiency. By far, there are more than 100,000 robots working in Amazon’s warehouses.

The list of Amazon’s warehouses is very long. Each has the size equal to the area of several football fields. Can you imagine the scale?

Amazon processes millions of orders every day. Each product has to arrive just in time. The company has its own logistics optimization algorithms for all the processes running like clockwork; automatically and by the hands of employees.

Robots, by the way, help to save a lot of time, carrying hundreds of orders simultaneously across enormous storage buildings. So if your Amazon package arrived damaged, this happens due to a human factor.

Packers put items into boxes, which, eventually, arrive in the hands of loaders who drop packages into mail buses. The delivery system estimates the best possible route for every item.


What to Do If Your Amazon Package is Damaged

Essentially, there are three ways out of this sticky situation:

  1. Return your item to get a replacement.
  2. Ship your item back to get a refund.
  3. Report your Amazon order damaged and keep the item if it’s okay.
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How to Return Your Amazon Item

If you want to notify Amazon of a new item received in damaged condition, make sure it’s in the list of the items that can be returned.

What Products on Amazon Are Non-Returnable?

Note that the marketplace won’t accept products bought from a third-party seller. In this case, you have to contact your seller directly.

Here are the items you cannot send back:

  • items that contain dangerous materials, flammable gases or liquids
  • items with no serial number or universal product code
  • downloadable and open software products
  • activated online subscriptions
  • gift cards (except as required by law)
  • calling cards
  • game cards
  • personal and health care products
  • jewelry products
  • live plants and fresh flowers
  • live insects
  • groceries
  • products from the Prime Pantry department

Have problems with a non-returnable product purchased on Amazon? Report a damaged item by clicking here.

If your Amazon package arrived damaged and your item can be returned, do not hesitate to ship it back. Remember that you have only 30 days from receipt of delivery.

The returning process consists of two stages. First of all, you have to inform the marketplace about your return. Go to the Orders category in the top right corner near the Cart to get started.

Then click the Return or replace item button near your delivered order. The next thing you have to do is to choose the reason for your return. Leave your comment in the field below if necessary and press the Continue button.

How to Request a Refund

Once you proceed to the next step, you’ll be able to ask for a refund. The company can refund your return via Amazon Gift Card or the original payment method. Choose your refund option to continue.

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Then you have to select the return shipping method. It depends on your item and the reason for your return. There are five methods offered: Amazon Locker, U.S. Postal Service, Any Carrier, UPS pickup, and UPS drop-off. For more information about any of them, click here.

Tip: Memorize the date on which you have to return your item. You’ll see it below the return shipping methods area.

Now it’s time to proceed the stage number two — preparing your package for transit. This stage includes four simple steps.

Step 1. Print Your Documentation

The employees who will receive your returned item in a warehouse have to know all the information about it. For this reason, press the Print label & instructions button. If you don’t have a printer, you can take advantage of the Email to a friend option.

Step 2. Pack Your Item for Return

Put your item and the rest of components back into your Amazon damaged box. Use scotch tape to hold the edges. Important: don’t forget to include the return authorization document you printed previously.

Step 3. Don’t Forget to Stick Return Label

Aside from the return authorization paper, you also printed the label. Attach it to the top side of the box to mark your item.

Step 4. Ship Your Return

That’s it. Your item is ready to go back to the shipper. Ship it according to your return shipping method.

How to Leave Amazon Packaging Feedback

Sharing your bad experience is the right thing to do. First of all, you make your personal contribution to the enhancement of Amazon customer service. The company collects these statistics to use in the future.

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Therefore, you help not only the marketplace itself, but lots of other customers who may suffer from the same issue as you. Just a few minutes of your time will save lots of time and effort for another customer.

There are two ways how you can leave Amazon packaging feedback:

  • directly contact the sender who sold you the item
  • fill the special form on the website, so the marketplace can share your feedback with the seller

If you choose the first option, you should click the name of your seller in the product listing and then click the Ask the question button.

In the second case, go to Orders and click the ‘Leave package feedback’ item. Check all the necessary boxes, leave your commentary, and attach the pictures that demonstrate your damaged package.


Let’s recap everything mentioned above. Amazon is a very big company that does its best for its clients to get their packages right in time. Received a defective item or a damaged box? Please, don’t blame anyone. Just settle down, follow this guide, and wait for your new package. Or…

Consult with the AMZ-expert team on how to leave packaging feedback on Amazon, or ask any other question concerning the topic described in this guide. We’ll be glad to provide you with the latest information. Let all your purchases from Amazon arrive damage-free! Take care!

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