Amazon is the perfect eCommerce platform for online businesses; however, sometimes, things can go wrong and affect sellers and buyers alike. Let us focus on one common problem that a typical buyer or seller can face.

A problem arises when Amazon sent the wrong item to a buyer. In general, this creates certain disapproval by customers for the Amazon platform and affects businesses, as a whole.

Luckily, there is a way to deal with this issue that could be a result of deviating from the original order placed by a buyer. We look at detailed guidelines that will help you solve any issues that arises because Amazon shipped the wrong item.


Ways to respond when an Amazon seller sends the wrong item

It is important to acknowledge that getting the wrong item is not the only problem when looking at Amazon wrong delivery. Several particular cases need to be defined in order to find the right solution. The following are some of the most common cases that involve receiving an incorrect package:

  • Amazon platform sends extra stuff to a buyer;
  • Receiving a product from Amazon that you never ordered;
  • An accurate number of goods are in pretty bad shape.

You have to be able to accurately describe your problem to be able to find a precise solution. If you are asking yourself what to do if Amazon sent you the wrong item, the following will help:

1. Amazon received the wrong item: returning the product and doing a complete refund

It is very important to stay in contact with a buyer during the entire business transaction; however, some people have still received a wrong item from Amazon even after taking caution. So, what would be a good strategy to follow if Amazon delivered the wrong item to the buyer’s doorstep? Well, first, you have to be able to identify the exact problem.

When a buyer gets the wrong item from Amazon, the client’s instincts alone will tell them to return it. Although this is the solution in the case, it is just half of it. Your buyer can only return an Amazon wrong package, if it meets the following standards:

  • An item is returnable – it is still new and has not been opened yet;
  • The item was sold and fulfilled by Amazon in a period of exactly 30 days;
  • An item shipped by Amazon during the holiday season (November 1st to December 31st) can be returned till the last day of January.
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After a buyer returns the package and the seller accepts it, a buyer should wait for a refund. In most cases, clients will be able to get money back after two or three weeks from the time the package is returned.

2. Exchanging or replacing an incorrect order with the right one

If Amazon sent the wrong thing to a buyer’s address, you can take measures to have it replaced. First of all, you have to account for its condition upon departure. You can proceed to send it back with the intention of getting it exchanged or replaced.

Amazon has made exchanging or replacing packages simple for any user. By introducing a return and exchange policy, Amazon has provided the appropriate criteria for sending back and replacing a package that is unwanted by the buyer. The following criteria have to be met:

  • The item to be exchanged can only be shipped to an address located in the US;
  • The item should be originally sold on and shipped by;
  • The item should have been initially purchased with a credit card;
  • The item is not intended to be a gift;
  • The item is not an extra or add-on item;
  • No promotions led to its sale except free shipping.

3. How buyers can return a defective item ordered from Amazon

We have already established that a buyer can return any product sold on Amazon, and that a seller can change an incorrect item. In addition, to be well-informed about all the requirements to make this possible, you can contact the AMZ-Expert team to ask more questions.

Also, in order to make sure the package gets back to the seller, the buyer should know how to send it back. When buyers are repacking a defective item, they should make sure they do it as securely as possible.

Therefore, make sure that any necessary paperwork is also sent with the package. This paperwork has all the information provided when a buyer makes the initial request to send back the item.

Sometimes, the original packaging can be destroyed. The fact is that most people don’t really care how they open their package from Amazon. So, be prepared to look for a different sturdy box to put the item(s) in before sending them off. Include some padding such as bubble wrap or newspaper to provide extra protection for the products, especially during transit. Do not to forget to clearly secure the return label, as well.

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4. Deciding to keep a product that was not part of an initial order on Amazon

Should buyers keep an Amazon product if they are adamant that they did not buy it? Imagine your order arrived but it was not what you were expecting; however, you end up liking this product, regardless. The first question that many people ask is “Can I keep it?”

It is important to point out that this problem happens more frequently than you would expect. Therefore, it is important to know what the right thing to do is, in case this ever happens to you.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, all retailers are supposed to be responsible for any actions they make, including by accident. The retailer does not have the right to demand any payment for any extra goods. Basically, buyers have the right to keep any goods an Amazon seller unintentionally sends to them.

5. Returning a gift

Can a buyer return an item marked as a gift? Can a client get a refund when the product has been returned to the seller? First of all, Amazon has made it possible for individuals to return gifts they ordered; however, the amount of money refunded will largely depend on the condition of the item at the time of the return.

To start this process, clients should look for the online returns center. This deals with anything related to sending goods back to Amazon. The client will be provided with some options including the option to specifically Return a Gift.

They will be asked to verify the gift. To do this, a buyer will have to enter an order number, shipping address, and other important information. This information will also help the sender. It is important to make sure that the item a buyer bought was marked as a gift when they initially bought it. This will help to return the gift without any additional issues.

Once a buyer finds the order, they can proceed to select all the items they want to return. Buyers will be required to provide a reason why they decided to return the gift before proceeding to submit the request.

They can also choose how they would like to return the product. Return labels are used to perform this action. Every label has a specific return code attached to it.

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The return authorization should always be included in the package, with the label on its exterior surface. Additionally, a buyer can send and wait for authorization by Amazon to see whether or not they can get a refund.

6. Figuring out return shipping

This part is also very important. In fact, it will be encountered every time a buyer decides to return a package to an Amazon seller. Luckily, it is not as difficult for the buyer to take care of return shipping as it is for the seller.

Shipping costs are obviously the main thing to focus on. Paying the return shipping fee will depend on whether the initial error was made by Amazon or not. If a client decided to take care of the delivery on their own, they will have to make the payment directly to the carrier. This payment is always made right after handing in a return.

If the error was made by Amazon, expect to see a complete money refund; however, if the mistake was not made by Amazon, the buyer will be responsible for making the payment for shipping the package back to the seller. The shipping fees will also depend on the method with which a buyer chooses to make the return.


Instances where Amazon sent the wrong item can take place any time. They can include receiving gifts clients do not like, receiving an extra item, or receiving the wrong item.

Sometimes, they can be faced with the decision to keep or return a product that has been wrongly sent to them. The problems confronted by buyers have been previously described earlier. Not all cases are the same, therefore, a different approach may be required for each case.

Due to the variations of problems you can encounter, it is advisable to seek help from a professional. AMZ-Expert is the right team to contact when you do not know the best approach to addressing the issue. We are dedicated to helping you tackle your problem by providing the best possible solution!

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