Amazon is something unique and disruptive. It became the largest retail store in the world without setting up a single physical store. Every day it juggles herculean amounts of logistical tasks and fulfillment processes. Amazon has been doing such a terrific job that we rarely think about the complexity of their systems and how they truly innovated the way we shop.

Unfortunately, even the best and most modern retail system in the world falls prey to a crime as old as humanity – theft. There are numerous Amazon package missing cases due to petty criminals stealing delivered items.

If you are an Amazon customer, this article will show you the steps to take when your order is lost or stolen. If you are a seller of the lost or stolen items, we will discuss how Amazon processes these cases.


Amazon package not received! Now what?

If you received a delivery confirmation from Amazon but can’t find your package before you declare that your package was stolen, here are the steps you should first take.

1. Check Delivery Address

Although the package could have been stolen, you should first verify if delivery was indeed successful. Go to the tracking information and check if the delivery address is correct. You may have clicked on another previous delivery address.

2. Look around

Check around your house. A delivery personnel might have take the initiative to safeguard your package but hiding it from plain sight.

3. Ask around

Check if someone from your household accepted the delivery. A visiting relative or a concerned neighbor could have accepted the package.

4. Check your CCTV

If you have security cameras, check if thieves are indeed the culprit. This will be additional evidence for Amazon and the authorities if you decide to file a police report.

5. Wait for 36 hours

If you can’t find it, Amazon recommends that you wait for 36 hours before declaring that the package is indeed lost or possibly stolen. The reason for the wait is to allow carriers and logistic companies enough time to rectify their mistake (wrong delivery address) or they simply tagged your package as delivered when it’s still actually in transit.

Basically, Amazon wants you to make sure that every possible scenario was checked before declaring a delivered package as lost or stolen.

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What to Do If Your Delivery is Actually Missing?

Now that you are sure that your package was indeed lost or stolen, you should report the incident to Amazon. Here are the steps to take;

1. Click on Amazon’s Contact Us link

Log in to your Amazon account. The click on this link – Amazon Contact Us, you will be taken to the Amazon help page where you can report your missing package.

This is the page hierarchy for your reference – Help > Browse Help Topics > Need More Help > Contact Us.

2. Report the Amazon stolen package

Upon clicking Contact Us, your screen show 4 tabs that contain the history of all your orders.

Choose the “An Ordered I Placed” tab. Then pick the item or order that is missing. Clicking on the item, the “Select an issue” menu will appear below with a drop-down selection of choices.

The drop-down selection includes “Where’s my stuff?”, “Problem with an Order”, Returns and Refunds” and about 5 more choices. Choose “Where’s My Stuff?”.

3. Tracking shows delivered but shipment not received

Upon choosing “Where’s My Stuff?”, a sub-menu will appear with another set of drop-down selections that include “Check status of order”, “Shipment is late” and 4 more choices.

Choose the “Tracking shows delivered but item not received” option.

4. Choose how to contact Amazon

Upon choosing “Tracking shows delivered but item not received” a third menu will appear. The “How would you like to contact us?” menu will give you 3 choices – email, phone or chat.

Any option will suffice and a summary of the interaction will be shown for you to verify.

5. Wait for Amazon investigation

An Amazon service personnel (or chatbot) will contact you. Provide any information that can help resolve the issue. Amazon will conduct an investigation that usually takes 1 or 2 days.

Amazon will try to remedy the situation e.g. resend a replacement or fix a delivery issue. If you still don’t receive your package, you can choose to have a refund. A refund will be issued if the investigation ends up on your favor.

A-to-Z Guarantee Protection

Amazon’s A-to-Z guarantee is a policy that covers all products sold at Amazon, even those from 3rd party sellers. In case of an Amazon missing package or stolen Amazon package, you can invoke this guarantee to receive compensation. Here are the steps to take and note this also applies to Amazon Prime members;

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1. Inform the seller

Click on your item or product listing. Find the Seller’s name. Click on the name and choose “Ask a question”. Inform the seller that your package has not arrived and that you suspect it was stolen.

You can also go to the Amazon Payments to see all your transactions. Choose the ordered item and on the transaction details click on the “Contact Seller”.

Give a detailed report of the incident and include and document, pictures or videos that can help prove the theft.

2. Wait for Seller’s response

Give the seller at least 2 business days to respond to your message. Some sellers even respond within the day. But, if you haven’t received a response after 48 hours of waiting, you can go to A-to-Z Guarantee Protection to request for a refund.

3. File a claim

If the seller fails to respond with two days you can submit a refund claim via the A-to-Z Guarantee Protection. Process the claim within 90 days of the order date.

Once the claim is submitted, you can view the status of your Amazon Payments account.

4. Wait for Amazon’s response

Amazon will review the claim and the process might take another two days. If your claim is approved, the purchase amount will return through your preferred channel (wallet, credit back or bank deposit).

Note that the A-to-Z guarantee covers up to $2,500 of your purchase.

Seller’s Guide on Stolen Amazon Packages

If you are an Amazon Seller, the buyer’s report and A-to-Z guarantee claim is a very serious matter and should always be considered as top priority.

1. You receive a customer complaint

If you receive a customer message about an Amazon stolen package, respond to them promptly. Give assurances that you will help investigate the matter and to issue a refund or deliver another item if theft is proven.

2. The customer files for a claim

In case you failed to answer within 2 business days or if the buyer was not satisfied with your answer, then the matter will be escalated as an A-to-Z Guarantee claim.

3. Try to intervene

‘Amazon package stolen’ or ‘Amazon order not delivered’ claims can affect your good standing as a seller and could even lead to account suspension. You can choose to refund the buyer’s money before the Amazon processes the claim. The buyer will then cancel the claim.

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4. Counter the claim

If you feel that you have a strong argument against the buyer, you may allow the claim to be processed. You should submit your own “counterclaim” immediately. If you fail to respond, then Amazon will award the refund and deduct this from your wallet.

5. Amazon makes a decision on your buyer’s claim.

  • If Amazon decides in your favor and rejects the buyer’s claim, the process is done. The buyer will have an opportunity to appeal the decision.
  • If Amazon decides in favor of the buyer and approves the claim. You can still issue an appeal.
  • If Amazon still approves the claim or if you did not submit an appeal. The process will push through and the refund will be taken from your wallet account. This will cover the amount of purchase plus shipping, up to the $2,500 limit.

Final Thoughts

Amazon will always look after the welfare of their customers as evidenced by their comprehensive A-to-Z Guarantee Protection. This fosters customer loyalty and confidence which leads to the continuous success of Amazon. The lost of revenue due to lost or stolen packages is a burden solely carried by the seller and is an unfortunate part of doing business. More than the lost revenue, the negative impact of the refund claim on your seller account can be more damaging.

If you feel that an Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee claim is unfair or you have proof that the delivery was successful, AMZ Expert can help you prepare your appeal to counter the refund claim. Our team of certified Amazon experts has years of real-world experience on handling Amazon disputes and issues. We are the perfect partner to help grow your Amazon eCommerce business. For any questions or inquiries please contact us through our website.

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